All Together Now
Our program main focus is to provide education, health-care, safe enviroment for children.
Heal The World, Make It A Better Place

We Play, We Study, We Learn
“Every child is unique and that every effort should be made in order to help the child open up their capacities and let these blossom.”
We Play, We Study, We Learn
Zano raMwari Institute.
The institute shall be situated on a farm where agriculture will be an important function At Zano raMwari, no child will be called orphan. Children coming to live and study at Zano raMwari will not be constantly reminded of the fact that they have lost both their parents and by that fact are therefore orphans. Always calling these children orphans creates in them even though not intended, the impression that they are a group apart from other children, a group to be pitted, a group of less capable children.
At Zano raMwari.

At Zano raMwari, we play, we study and we learn.
There shall be:
– a children’s village where there shall be a crèche and pre-school were babies, toddlers and pre-school children shall live, play and receive lessons.
– a primary school running from grade 1 to grade 7. There shall be dormitories where these children will live.
– a secondary school running from form 1 to form 4. At the start of form 2 students will be asked to choose two specialisation areas from the areas indicated under sub section – one year specialisation course below. At the end of the form 4 class the students will seat the national O – Level examinations as directed by the Ministry of Education.
– a one year specialisation course for all form 4 graduates. During this year the students shall deepen their understanding, practically in the two fields they will have chosen and begun with in from 2.
At the end of this year the students receive a certificate in their chosen areas. The areas students will choose to specialise in shall be: a) woodwork, design and management, b) metal work, design and management, c) crop and livestock farming and management. At the end of the 5th year each student shall prepare a special report – thesis – which they shall present to the school board for technical education.
Successful completion of their stay at the Institute will see the children obtaining two certificates – end of 4 year secondary school certificate as other children throughout the country and a diploma in two skills specialisation areas.
– a library and a computer department for the whole Institute.
There shall also be:
– a department of agriculture under which the following areas fall: a) agricultural production – maize, vegetables, groundnuts, soya beans, sorghum, white and brown beans, b) animal husbandry – milk and beef cattle, goats, sheep, pigs and chickens and c) jatropher oil seed plantation.
Jatropher seed contains from 27% oil and above which can be processed into fuel – bio diesel. The jatropher is a plant that grows on its own without much care. Land demarcations will be done with the jatropher plant as hedge. The institute will encourage farmers in the surrounding areas to grow jatropher which they will sale to the institute at reasonable prices.
The department of agriculture will be the source of much of the food consumed at the institute – milk, cheese, vegetables, meat, eggs, maize. The Institute should be able to provide 80% and more of its food requirements. The activities of this department will form a critical cog in the life of the Institute as well as provide an important base for the institute’s study programme. Students will gain practical experience here during their study.
– a clinic. With some of the children possibly HIV positive, the existence of a clinic on the grounds of the institute becomes of critical importance in order to provide emergency and regular health service on a 24 hour basis. The clinic shall also provide care at no cost to widows and senior citizens.
These would only be required to show their identity cards where their age will be written and an official document from the Ministry Homes Affairs indicating that one is a widow. Those outside this group will receive help at the clinic but at cost.
– woodwork and metalwork workshops where furniture and other items for the Institute will be made, fabricated and repaired. The workshops will sale to outside customers on a commercial basis. Money collected will be deposited in the Technical Fund
– farm produce sales and processing facility where chickens, eggs and beef etc will be sold to customers inside and outside the Institute. Money collected will be deposited in the Technical Fund.
– Recreation facilities to cater for the population housed at the Institute
– in time a science and technology research centre for relevant technologies. The future jatropher bio diesel plant will be a part of the centre’s activities.
– an eco-tourism centre coupled with a small non dangerous wild animal conservation area.
– Grinding mill and fuel station

A Change Is Gonna Come
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Big changes are the result of significant small changes, to create a better future for our Planet.
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