You can make a difference.
Our program main focus is to provide education to every kid in Zimbabwe- Africa.

The Board and Foundation Programme
Touch their Hearts Foundation is a non- profit making organisation which campaigns for funds for Zano raMwari Institute in Zimbabwe.
Zano raMwari aims to provide accommodation and education to children orphaned by HIV – AIDS under one roof.
ANBI registered : 6th October 2011
· Name : Touch their Hearts
· RSIN/Fiscaal number : 850981311
· Inschrijving KvK : 53699513
· Management Team:
Chairman – Duncan Mbonjani
Tel – 0612792120
Implimentation Policy
The foundation will combine a number of activities to realise its goal.
Foundation will
i) contact organisations and companies for financial support as well as equipment e.g computers and associated equipment to give to orphanages in Zimbabwe.
ii) hold campaigns with collection tins moving from door to door ( after permission has been given by appropriate civic authorities)
iii) attend functions ( music, theater, sports etc) and spread word about the foundations and the need for donations
iv) sale foundation mementos and other articles
v) approach similar foundations and organisations for common activities
vi) contact schools throughout the country and encourage them to hold ACTION DAYS for Touch their Hearts ( display of drawings by children, posters, cards
vii) establish contacts with similar foundations and organisations and people of goodwill in Germany, Belgium and France
viii) establish contacts with Churches and religious organisations
Renumeration Policy
Members of the Management Team will not receive salaries. However they will be reimbursed for expenses incured during execution of their duties.
· Objectives
i) Give help to orphans of HIV- AIDS and other causes.
ii) Establishment of an institute – Zano raMwari for orphans of HIV- AIDS. Here the children will have a home and be able to attend school (creche, primary and secondary) and learn a skill.
iii) Organise development activities especially around educating communities living around Zano raMwari on the consequences of and protection from HIV-AIDS.
Summary of activities held
· Disbursement
Computers, clothing sent to orphanages in Zimbabwe (value in $ plus postage)