Our Mission...

Our program main focus is The Life You Can Save and The Better World You Can Build by providing education, necessary basic needs, health-care to every child in Zimbabwe- Africa, for a better tomorrow, a better world, a brighter future.

Our Mission

Touch their Hearts Foundation is moving forward more confidently in each year of divine favour. The Lord blesses us in order to be a blessing to others.

Be a blessing to HIV – AIDS orphaned children in Zimbabwe.

We are involved in a promotion campaign to assist orphanages for HIV-AIDS orphaned children in Zimbabwe with computers, laptops, clothing and necessary basic needs a child must have to grow up comfortable and safely, to do great things in life.


= =  *This is what the foundation stands for*  = = 

These children will become great citizens and greatest leaders of tomorrow, the new world. These children will become the greatest creators and builders of A Better Society, A Better World, A Better Tomorrow, A Better Future.


The Life You Can Save | You Can Change The World With Just A Small Donation To A Child

“Children are the world’s most valuable resource and its best hope for the future.” (John F. Kennedy).

Please, think about it…wisely!

take a moment to pause, a moment to think, rethink and reflect: about life, about us humans, from the beginning as a child the seed of hope but ending up as old and wise.

Please just think about…the important value of a child in our planet and the future of manKind.

Children are the most valuable we have as humans for our own future. But unfortunately, that’s one very important thing we often forget.

Without children that’ll be the end of manKind.

Just think about it…deeply and wisely!

Reflect: Take the time! Thank You and God Bless You.


= = = Join us on our mission, please. Thank You, for the donation. God Bless You All. = = =

Save the children and you are saving the future of the world. Children are the continuation of our life and our own future as manKind. They are the future and the key to reach a good life a better future.

Save the Children: With Your Help, Yes We Can!

Help, Donate, Care Investing in Children and you are investing in our own future as humans in this planet Earth: the new generations, the new world.

A child is the seed of a new life, the continuation of our life, the seed of hope for all humans to a better life, to a better future for new generations to come.

Children are our seeds for a brighter future, for the next generations and for a better world.

This is what the foundation stands for in the world.

Join us on our mission, please. Thank You, for your donation. God Bless You All.

Our target is to equip 10 orphanages with 10 computers each.

Responses are coming in with companies ready to donate pc’s-desktops, laptops and other electronic equipment.

Money is required to ship this equipment to Zimbabwe.

Reach more donation today.

Support Touch their Hearts Foundation.

Be part of it!

Be cool!

Mission Statement

  • Touch Their Hearts Foundation, through Zano raMwari / Divine Inspiration Institute focuses itself on helping in the first instance those children displaced by the devastating condition called HIV – AIDS and in the second instance those children displaced through other diseases and natural phenomena. 
  • Every orphaned child entering the doors of Zano raMwari / Divine Inspiration will be encouraged and helped to acquire education, skills and a determination to fulfil their potential and go on in life to be a blessing to themselves and to others. 
  • HIV – AIDS has so devastated the lives of Zimbabweans – old and young that there is almost no family that has been left untouched.
  • Grandmothers and fathers have been recalled as it were, to active duty of looking after grandchildren whose parents are no more.
  • Many are the cases were children are shouldering the burden of looking after their siblings. 
  • It is the desire of the Foundation to touch their hearts and let them be what children are good at – playing, learning and growing up in a safe, caring and loving environment.


  • It is our vision to, as far as is possible to provide a home/family environment were the characterisation “orphan” does not for the concerned children mean anything beyond just the fact of losing one’s parents due to some given situation.
  • Being orphaned is not a disability and should not be viewed as one. 
  • In this home/family environment children, through education, child centred care, skills provision in areas of their choice from those on offer (Animal husbandry and management / Woodwork and design and management / Metalwork and design and management / Crop and livestock farming and farm management), sports and balanced health, will be prepared for the realisation of their full potential as they take part in the socio-economic life of their country or wherever they will be.
  • The institute will provide care and assistance to widows and the aged in areas were the institute has capacity e.g provision of health care, assistance with ploughing their fields and harvesting their crops at little or no cost to themselves.
  • The institute will take part in developmental activities of the surrounding areas including first and foremost health awareness campaigns against HIV – AIDS.

Core Values

  • Touch Their Hearts Foundation through Zano raMwari / Divine Inspiration Institute is founded on humane values where every child regardless of their cultural and religious background is simply a child to be related to with love, care, understanding and compassion. 
  • The institute will strive to inculcate in the children the love of self, an appreciation of solidarity, love of work, a culture of reading, self satisfaction and self realisation through play, work and study.
  • The Zimbabwean people are a God fearing, hard working, proud, honest, creative and loving people who from generation to generation have passed on this special quality. These basic and fundamental values will inform the work of the Foundation.
  • It is upon these values that ultimately the work of Touch Their Hearts Foundation will be judged.
Become Our Partners- You Never Walk Alone | Join-Us in This Mission | Be a Part of This Journey | Be The Change

You can make a difference.

Our program main focus is to provide education to every kid in Zimbabwe- Africa.

What we care for

Make A Donation- Get Involved- Be The Difference

Together We Can Change The World!

Become Our Partners- You Never Walk Alone | Join-Us in This Mission | Be a Part of This Journey | Be The Change
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