Be The Change...
Our program main focus is to provide education, health-care, safe enviroment for children.
Take A Chance...

About Us
“Every child is unique and that every effort should made in order to help the child open up their capacities and let these blossom.”
The philosophy of Zano raMwari – Divine Inspiration Institute
Our starting point at Zano raMwari is that “every child is unique and that every effort should made in order to help the child open up their capacities and let these blossom.
We look forward to grow up the children to be motivated and all round personalities.
Here we begin with the needs of each and every child and help them grow wiser as they grow up.
With what we offer we try to sensitize the children to be able to create what is inside them.
For us children are not buckets to be filled up with knowledge but little fires that should be assisted to burn brighter.
A human being is a thinking, feeling personality with a will to do things.”
The Foundation
Touch Their Hearts is a foundation operating from the Netherlands. It operates under the name Stichting Touch their Hearts, where stichting is the Dutch word for foundation.
It is a vehicle through which funds and any other necessary materials will be channelled for the purpose of putting up a children’s care, educational and skills institute for HIV-AIDS orphans as well as supporting already established orphanages for HIV-AIDS orphans in Zimbabwe.
The institute will be called Zano raMwari – Divine Inspiration. In due course the Foundation will open offices in Zimbabwe. Zano raMwari Institute will be situated in the Gokwe / Sanyati area. This is a rural area is in the Midlands Province. This province runs from central to north – west of Zimbabwe. The town of Gokwe which is the nearest settlement to the institute is about 350 km north – west of Harare the capital city of Zimbabwe. Gokwe town lies directly above the city of Kwekwe also in the same province along the Harare to Bulawayo highway. The location of Gokwe can be seen on the map above. Most of the needy children are found in the rural areas where opportunities are less than in urban areas. This does not mean that orphans in urban areas are better. Some are but the overwhelming majority are not. We have consciously chosen to a rural area where our presence will make a difference. In time, given the availability of agricultural and industrial land due to the Land Reform Programme, we hope that our efforts will help stop the influx of young people from the countryside to urban centres.
Touch Their Hearts Foundation is determined to make a contribution in order to lighten the burden for the orphaned children and make them understand that though they have lost their parents and maybe part or all of their families, they have not lost everything. That their lives mean a lot to themselves, to their relatives and to their country. To make them appreciate the fact that they can make it and reach their full potential.
So much needs to be done but a journey of a thousand kilometres begins with one step. Let us in our different ways, touch their hearts – the hearts of these children.
The Bible tells the story of the murder of Abel by his brother Cain. When god asked Cain where his brother Abel was, Cain’s answer was “am I the keeper of my brother” (Genesis 4:9). Let each one of us answer this question for him / herself.
At another time when Jesus was talking about being a good neighbour, someone asked him “who is my neighbour?” In Luke 10:29-37 Jesus gave the following answer. Jesus told them of a man who went on a journey. As the man was walking he came across a gang of thieves. They beat him, took away his possessions and left him for dead in the middle of the road. Two men following each other came across this man. The first man was a high priest in the Jewish religion and the other also a religious officer, a levite. When they saw the man lying in the middle of the road, they made a detour and went on their way. They were so much in a hurry that they had no time to worry about someone lying injured.
Some time latter came a man, the good Samaritan. The good Samaritan, as soon as he saw the man lying in the middle of the road, went over to him to find out what had happened and see how he could be of help. The man was still alive. He dressed his wounds as best as he could and put him on his donkey and at the next settlement he came to, he went to an inn and asked the owner to look after the injured man so that he could proceed on his journey.
He paid for the cost in advance and promised to pay the difference on his return should the amount he had already given proved not enough. After this story, Jesus then asked the person who had asked him saying that he did not know who his neighbour was, “who was the neighbour of the wounded and robed man?”
We are all humanity, without borders. We are all, each one in his/her own way, the keeper of our brother, the keeper of our sister, the keeper of our neighbour.
Our Philosophy
The philosophy of Zano raMwari - Divine Inspiration Institute
Our starting point at Zano raMwari is that “every child is unique and that every effort should made in order to help the child open up their capacities and let these blossom. We look forward to grow up the children to be motivated and all round personalities. Here we begin with the needs of each and every child and help them grow wiser as they grow up. With what we offer we try to sensitize the children to be able to create what is inside them. For us children are not buckets to be filled up with knowledge but little fires that should be assisted to burn brighter. A human being is a thinking, feeling personality with a will to do things.”
The philosophy of the Institute is Education with Production. Through the philosophy of education with production children will be taught the value of theoretical and practical education for life. In this case, theory in class is complimented by field study and active participation in field activities on the farm. For children from form 2 and above, all field work will be in the areas of their chosen areas of specialisation. For children from 3rd year primary upto form 1, their own participation will be spread over 1 to 2 hours according to their ages and school programme across all the areas of activity of the department of agriculture and other departments.
Smaller children in this group will be sent to the vegetable garden and chicken runs. As the children come to form 2, their choice of the two areas of specialisation will not be difficult. The basis of this philosophy is the appreciation of the fact that mental and physical growth are important aspects of man’s life. Coupled with sports, which will be an important extracurricular activity at the institute, the old saying that “a healthy mind in a healthy body” will take root in the children’s appreciation of life. The idea is to equip children with life skills. Playing will form an important part of the department responsible for sports and extracurricular activities and all pre-school children. For this purpose all the children shall be provided with the environment and opportunity to play, learn and grow – up.
It has become an attitude that people value others according to the work they do and not according to the person they are. According to this valuation, those involved in manual work rank the lowest. This is not the attitude of a healthy mind. At the institute children will learn by doing, to appreciate the role of work in their society and that work, whatever work is a normal human function in any human society.
The philosophy - Inspiration Institute
On this same basis it should be normal to both the student and the teacher that the teacher that after his / her academic work, can be seen tending to their vegetable and flower gardens. That one engages oneself in honest work should also be an element to be taken into account in our valuation of people. At the end of their stay at the Institute, every child will have learnt that thinking and doing are complimentary pillars of life and a balanced combination of these two and other areas of life will make them positive contributors to their own lives and that of their families and the society at large.
We learn by doing and think by doing. The study of the history of the people of Zimbabwe, of the Southern Africa Development Community, Africa and the world at large will inform the teaching and development of a free Zimbabwean national consciousness ethos.
A new Ministry – Ministry of State for Liaising on Psychomotor Activities in Education has been established (September 2013). This ministry comes to operationalize The Report on Education and Training by the Nziramasanga Commission. Through the President’s mouth, the Ministry’s mandate is to reincorporate practical subjects into the education system and equip pupils with life skills. The President said, “Those practical subjects must come back into our school system and they need not necessarily count towards qualifying for ‘A’ level or for university, but for his own life. It is revising the curriculum such that it becomes a curriculum for living.”
The Commission Report described education in Zimbabwe as academically good, but irrelevant to indigenous Zimbabweans. The commission stressed that education should be for life and self – employment, not just an academic exercise. The Commission therefore proposed a structure which would enable students to follow four “pathways” namely general/academic, business/commercial, technical and vocational arguing that “every pathway leads to university”.
This is new development in education incorporates the humble efforts of Touch their Hearts at Zano raMwari Institute.
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You can make a difference.
Our program main focus is to provide education to every kid in Zimbabwe- Africa.
Who we are
We believe that every single "Donation" is a helping hand, it will bring a significant change.
Big changes are the result of significant small changes, to create a better future for our Planet.
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