Eco Tourism at Zano Ramwari
Our program main focus is to provide education, health-care, safe enviroment for children.
You Are The Change

Eco Tourism at Zano Ramwari
“Every child is unique and that every effort should be made in order to help the child open up their capacities and let these blossom.”
Eco Tourism at Zano Ramwari
The greater part of the tourism component of Zano raMwari will be built on a 50 hectare piece of land where the following items will be housed:

- Wild animals – antelops, gnus, springboks, zebras, kudus, giraffes, impalas
- An area fenced off from the wild animals where craftwork from all over Zimbabwe will be displayed and sold.
- Two craft people ( resident crafts people) will be present every day of the month to show case their skills to the visiting public.

- This will be an opportunity for them to establish contacts which will be beneficial to their advancement. This will be to prevent deforestation.
- They will be stationed in an apart place where they can do their work and interact with the visiting tourists.
- The crafts people who use wood (those making crafts from wood) will be required to use timber certified by the Forestry Commission for such purposes. This will be to prevent deforestation.

- All crafts from non Forestry Commission certified timber will not be accepted.
- Crafts people will also be encouraged to use recycled material for their crafts.
- Those who use stone will be asked to deal with stone suppliers who are recognised by the Government bearing a certificate of recognition.

- There will be two different crafts people every month who will be chosen on a rotating basis from across the country in pairs of two men one month and two women the following month.
- Nursing mothers will be allowed to bring the baby they will be nursing.

- The Tourism Section of Zano raMwari will have a ready supply of timber for those making crafts from wood and stone for those making crafts from stone.
- Zano raMwari will try as much as possible to make available the raw materials used by the crafts people. These will be sold at a reasonable price.
- Those who can can supply their own raw materials will be encouraged to do so.

- Two huts where the resident crafts people will live during their one month stay at Zano raMwari.
- The huts with toilet and ablution will be built by Zano RaMwari and remain property of Zano raMwari.
- The occupants will only pay for electricity and water used.
- Carriages for site seeing pulled by horses, oxen and donkeys will be available for the tourists who will take their time going through the game park.

- For the tourist with little time at their disposal, there will be specially fitted 4 wheel drive trucks.
- Specially fitted camp sites will be built at selected areas where tourists wishing to do so can camp for a couple of days.

- Observation platforms will be built near the watering points of the animals throughout the game park.
- The other part, smaller, will be made up of the whole complex of Zano raMwari ( i.e agricultural section, education section, animal stalls, workshops, small factory units – dairy products, meat products, grain milling) – to make one huge eco tourism complex.
- Staff and children’s homes will be outside the bounds of the tourism activities.
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Our program main focus is to provide education to every kid in Zimbabwe- Africa.
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We believe that every single "Donation" is a helping hand, it will bring a significant change.
Big changes are the result of significant small changes, to create a better future for our Planet.
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